Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sometimes You Just Don't Feel Like It.

One thing I have noticed that came along with graduating college, getting a full time job and joining the real world of adulthood, is a lack of interest in writing (which is bad considering that's what I went to school for). I haven't done much creative work since graduating, and since getting a job I've done nothing creatively at all. On top of that, since getting a job, I've been feeling really slackery (yes I know that's not a real word. Embrace it) when it comes to my newsletter. I'm working on it. Just a lot more slowly than I should be.

I like to write. So why am I not doing it? Well, I suppose one reason would be that I get satisfaction out of writing in my blog, which I feel I have been pretty consistent with. But the main reason, I think, is just, well, after spending all day at work, I don't feel like it.

I wake up at six, leave the house at seven, get to work at eight, work till four and get home at five. By that time, all I want to do is relax for a bit. Then after some time goes by, joe gets off work. Of course, i want to spend some time with him, so I go over to his house for a bit. I still have to worry about dinner, working out and possibly showering. On top of that, all this has to be done by 10:30 because by then I'm ready to pass out.

I never realized how difficult working 40 hours really was. It takes a lot out of you and it makes all of your other little responsibilities in life that much more tedious. I'm not saying that writing is a chore. I'm just saying that sometimes, even doing the things you like has to take a back seat.

My social life for example. Many of my friends, being servers, work late and sleep in, which means they want to go out late. Yeah, I have to be up at 6. I think I'll pass.

Being an adult is rough...

Luckily, tomorrow I will begin working the night shift at my job. Maybe then my life will go back to some form of normalcy. For now.


  1. You should watch the J.K. Rowling movie- you might find it inspiring! I watched it last night because, yes, I'm that big of a nerd.

    Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story

  2. Hahaha, okay, thanks. I'll have to look into it.
