Saturday, February 25, 2012

Two Weeks


So, as of today it has officially been 4 weeks since my interview in New York... That means I should be finding out about my status with the program sometime within the next two weeks. Scary. I'll be sure to update as soon as I find out.

Aside from that, my sister's bridal shower is tomorrow. I've been planning it for the last 5 weeks or so and it's finally here. I think it should be a pretty good turn out, although, I'm feeling pretty nervous because I'm hosting it and am pretty much in charge of making sure that it's fun and what not. If it sucks, it's my fault, and that's pretty stressful, heh. But I'm ready. I think I'll actually be kind of sad when it's all over because planning this shower has actually given me something to do over the past month, aside from just work. It's kept me from becoming a complete bum.

Speaking of being a bum, I think a couple posts ago, I promised updates on new endeavors I'm looking into. Well I was actually offered an opportunity to volunteer my time to write a newsletter for a non-profit organization! It's really awesome because not only can I put that on a resume as something relevant to what I want to do, but I have complete freedom with it for the most part. I design the layout, I write the articles, I can come up with topics to feature in the newsletter, and I edit it. The person who offered me the opportunity also edits it after me of course, because its very difficult to catch all of your own mistakes, but it's great because it's basically giving me real world experience in a large quantity of things in my field. I just finished my first issue, and I'm thinking I'm going to write it as a bi-weekly newsletter. So not too often, but not too few and far between.

I'm glad to have a project to work on. It helps me to be less of a bum when I actually put my mind to work on something, because to be honest, as time has gone by where the only thing in my life that I've had to do is wait tables, I've become more and more of a lazy bum. I don't like being a bum, it really takes a lot of excitement out of life, and the longer you spend being a bum, the harder it is to pull out of it. So thank goodness I'm getting out before I've really sunk in :)

Anyway, that is all.

Until next time.

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