Friday, February 10, 2012

Reaching for My Goals.

So I decided the other day that I am going to be proactive in making progress with my career goals. You know what they say, "things don't just fall in your lap, you have to actively work towards earning what you want."
So... I e-mailed a couple local magazines asking if they needed any volunteers, just so I could get some kind of experience. Amazingly, I got a bite.

They e-mailed me about a casting that they are having this Saturday -- as in tomorrow -- and said they could use some extra help. They sent me a flyer with the exact time and location, and I guess I'm just going to blindly go out there and volunteer myself to whatever they need help with. I'm kind of excited... but also really nervous. While I have no idea what to expect or who I even need to talk to when I get there, I'm still just going to go and see what happens -- I'm gonna wing it.

Then, I'll add that volunteer experience to my resume and hopefully, it will help make me more noticable as a worthy candidate for any kind of entry level position in the publishing world. Who knows, I might even make some connections while I'm at it.

I will update about how it goes later. For now, I have to continue my life as a waitress chasing the dream, and get ready for work.

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