Sunday, January 23, 2011

I-- cough cough-- got an-- cough cough-- uh--cough cough. Oh, never mind.

So, I was able to go back to work today after being sick for 4 days. I no like be sick :(

I went to work on Thursday morning after having been sick on Wednesday. I had a fever for like an hour, and a sore throat and a head ache. after a nap and some fresh soup made by my spectacularly wonderful boyfriend, I was feeling much better. Short lived. Thursday, I stupidly decided to go to work, and needless to say, afterward, I got really sick again, and went straight back to bed with a fever and the chills. I had to miss my class that night because I was too cold to get out of bed and too sweaty to be okay with people seeing me. And it's only the second week. There goes my one free skip :(

But Saturday I felt much better so I went to visit a friend for the day. I had hopped that getting away for a day would help me relieve stress and get a little better. It was a good time, but unfortunately my throat is still very sore, my cough is worse than ever, and my voice sounds like that of a demon.

But... The good news is, I have a job interview at an elementary school on Tuesday! :) I'm nervous though, only because I would really like to be fully healthy at my interview so I can make as good an impression as I can. Plus, I doubt they would want to hire a sweet looking girl with a demon voice. I really, really want to get this job. It's a temporary position as the principal's secretary, while her usual secretary takes a six month leave of absence.
I've already picked out my outfit; black pants and a red sweater so that I stick out and hopefully they remember me. Over all, I feel pretty confident about it. I just have a really good feeling concerning the whole matter.
But, when Tuesday comes, we shall see :)

Here is a blog I found from a secretary. it's mildly entertaining. enjoy. and wish me luck!

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