Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Perfect Topic

For some reason I always seem to find myself sitting on the floor in my room staring at my computer screen and just wishing that I knew of a good blog to follow, or at least was interested in something enough to find a blog about it. Why is this? Because I really want to write a blog. But, how can I expect people to be interested in what I have to say if I don’t take the time to follow other people’s blogs, and take a look at what they have to say. I’m sure there are plenty of people out there with more interesting and more important things to say than I. So, here’s my new years resolution: I am going to start writing a blog of my own, as well as search other blogs as often as I can until I find one that I really like. I’ll link any that I find interesting to my blog so that I can help other people have their voice heard as well. This way, I can feel good about trying to get people to hear my voice, because I will be hearing other peoples voices and helping them be heard, which I already said.

    Okay, so first things first, I suppose I need a topic for my blog. A person cant just blog on nonsense, there needs to be a purpose behind all the rambling. I just don’t quite know what mine is yet. I’ve considered a few things. One. Since I plan on reading other peoples blogs and sharing them with other people, I was thinking I could just blog about others people’s blogs, and just give my two cents on their topic. But then I thought, well that might get boring, especially since their blog is already talking about what they want to talk about. So here is my next idea. Idea number two. Being an English major in college,  means I have a lot of lit classes, which means a lot of reading. So, I thought that maybe I could blog about the books I’m reading. That might be interesting for some people, but I don’t really know. Third. I am a server at a restaurant on a college campus, and it can get pretty crazy, and extremely frustrating. Perhaps blogging about the trials and tribulations of such a job would appeal to the masses. Who knows.

    All I know is that I want to write a blog that people will want to read, and want to follow. I just need a topic. I need the right topic, the perfect topic. I Just don’t know what it is yet.

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