Sunday, January 16, 2011

Writing With a Purpose

I find that when I’m brainstorming and just trying so hard to figure something out or come up with an idea for something, the perfect idea never comes until after I go over everything and see what I’ve missed.
    As I sat in front of my computer today staring at my first blog entry, I was thinking about where I am in life right now. I am a college student on the verge of graduation. That’s probably one of the hardest places to be, especially with this economy. And so, here is what I decided: I am going to blog about where I am in college and when I get to it, the graduation process and job hunting process. Its relatable and I think it could prove interesting. Lets find out…

Here is where I am right now.
    I am in my last semester of college (excluding summer, because I do have to finish up some required summer hours after this semester) and if all goes accordingly to plan, I will be graduating in august of 2011, only a few months later than I had originally planned on graduating when I first started school.
    My major - English. Emphasis on creative writing.
I originally started out as a psych major, but quickly came to find that it really wasn’t for me. After I dropped my third psych class I sat outside the psych building and just wondered what the heck I was going to do. I had thought long and hard in high school about what my major in college would be and I knew for so long that Psychology was what I was going to do. But I was wrong. Very wrong. I felt lost. There I was in my third semester of college, and I had no idea where I was going with my life. And you know what, I still really don’t know. I have a plan, but I don’t know that it will work out, and I cant assume that it will.
    Writing has always been something that I’ve loved doing, but I never thought about trying to turn it into a career. It wasn’t until that night, sitting outside of the psych building that I realized I could do this, what I love. I may not be very good, and people may think that I have no mind to be writing, but I enjoy it, and for now it’s my college major. Whether or not I turn it into a career, I really don’t know.

    So here I am, in my last semester as a creative writing major. I know I’ll be graduating soon, and I know that I probably wont be able to find a job right when I graduate, and I know that serving at an on campus restaurant with poor college students who don’t tip well isn’t gonna cut it. Plus I’m just plain sick of it. So, I am currently on the prowl for a new job. Right now I’m trying to find a secretarial job at a school so that I can get some experience working in the school system and have a more steady and better paying job until I can find a more permanent job after graduation. Hopefully as an English teacher, eventually.
    And that’s it, that’s where I am right now. I’m trying to graduate and I’m trying to find a new job. The purpose of my blog is to tell everyone my story about how I get through this tough stage in life and maybe help some people out who are in the same place as me right now and in the future.

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