Friday, June 28, 2013


I'm going to try and remain as positive as possible for this post. But it's going to be pretty difficult. Things can always be worse.

So, I mentioned a few posts ago that I was in a car accident that totaled my car. To sum it up: no injuries, I had insurance, and I was able to get a new car out of the deal.

The car buying process was grueling. But I finally did it. I bought a car I truly loved. I am so happy with it.

I've had my brand new car a whole 3 days now. 3 days of driving bliss, feeling so happy and accomplished in my new baby. Her name is The Baby Beast, by the way. TBB for short.

Today at Publix. In the parking lot. Someone backed into me. And now my brand new car is dented. As you can imagine, I'm not very happy about this... Poor TBB.

My car still runs. I'm not hurt. The damaged can be fixed through insurance. Positive, it's not that bad, blah blah blah.

But I'm still pretty upset. I can't help it. I'm trying to look at the bright side of things. But this really just sucks. Who buys a car and barely has it three days before getting hit and essentially ruining the car!? And even more so, after I was just in an accident!

I have been driving so safe and being so careful. I checked twice before backing out of my spot at publix today. I had a bad feeling for some reason. But there were no break lights on behind me. And no one was coming up the isle. So I went. Then I put my car in drive. Just as I was ready to drive off. Crunch! Crash! Bang! I was hit. My life was over (or so the drama queen in me beleived at the moment).

But, I'm keeping my cool. My car will be fixed. And it will be good as new. Plus, the girl who hit me is an organ donor.

Sigh. FML

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