Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Big kid toys

So, now that I'm making enough money to comfortably sustain myself, of course, all I can think about is buying things that will make it hard.

I really want a new car and, theoretically, I can afford it. But, at the moment, it would make life a lot more financially challenging...
So, here's the plan:

1. Continue to work and save money.

2. Put time and money into fixing up my current car so that when the time comes to trade it in and buy a new one, I can get the most value out of it.

3. Buy myself other new things like clothes and shoes and makeup to keep me distracted :p

The point is, I can't get ahead if myself here. A new car can wait, especially since I already have a car that works well and that is completely paid off (thanks mom and dad). I should probably focus more on saving for now so that when I do need a new car and I can comfortable afford it, then I can easily get it.

My new grown up mentality seems to be overcoming my impulsive side (this morning I was fully prepared to go to a dealer ship and buy a car today, heh). Thank god I thought that one trough!

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