Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Dangers of Getting Comfortable

I really love the non-profit organization that I work for and I really wouldn't mind working there for a while...

Unfortunately, my current position doesn't allow me to put to use the piece of paper that says I'm awesome for going through 4 years of higher education. So Naturally, I want to grow within the company and advance to a position that does require that degree. It's a desire that I have, but one that I've come to find I'm skeptical about acting upon.

How do you know whether or not it's too soon to apply for a different position within a company? How do you know when you've waited too long and stayed in a position longer than you should have. How do you know it wont be challenging, or time consuming? What if you don't like it?

All of these questions come to mind when seriously considering a move like this.

I've seen a couple of open positions that I could have applied for (and while none of them required a degree, they did all have the potential for advancement), but I haven't applied for any. I've come up with excuses like, it's too soon to try and move up already, or But how will I have time for grad school if I'm working a full time job with normal and sometimes extended hours? Well here's what I ask myself now. If there's an opportunity for something better now, why wait? Everything will fall into place right?

There is a position now that I really want, and it DOES require a college degree, which to be honest, scares the crap out of me. My job now is easy and doesn't require much of me. I have to be friendly, quick, efficient and have a pretty good memory. That's it. Sometimes I have to think on my toes, but there's always someone there to help me when I don't know what to do. So obviously, holding a position that would require a lot more out of me, that would require me to figure things out on my own, that would require me to use my education! It scares me senseless.

But I can't let my life be run by fear. I can't let fear stop me from advancing and achieving and excelling. I can't not do something because I'm afraid I'll fail. I just have to try and give it all I've got without letting comfort or fear get in my way.

Hello world. Here comes, Alex.

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