Thursday, November 17, 2011

I Think Notorious BIG Had it Wrong. No Mo Money, Way Mo Problems

Why does being in college have to be the equivalent of being poor? It sucks. I maybe should have considered my bills before I quite the job that served as my main source of income... Yeah.

Well I can at least afford my bills with what I have and what I'll be making before the winter holiday. I just can't spend on anything else... That's like the hardest thing ever. Especially considering that there are so many things I need, like, for instance, a new cord for my laptop. The old one decided to poop out on me and now my computer wont work because it can't charge. Sighs. A life with no computer is no life at all. Is that sad?
I guess I'll have to survive the next month and a half by using other peoples computers every chance I get.

I guess the Job I interviewed with is a no go. I've still heard nothing, and I was supposedly going to receive an e-mail last week regardless as to whether I got the position or not. Oh well. I'll just keep applying.
I did see an ad in the Oracle for an even more perfect job though. The fact that there is a job in my field available in Tampa is amazing in itself. So I applied. Currently, I am anxiously awaiting their reply.
Aside from this, I have also applied for an internship in the publications department with the Disney Corporation :D Wouldn't that be a fabulous gig to get? For me at least, hah! It would be a fantastic dream come true. Sadly, it's all the way in California. How would I survive by my self in that big state of desperate people? It wouldn't be easy.
But I'll still hope for good news from them as well.

Aside from all this, I am trying to enjoy my last few weeks as a college student.

I fear the day when I'll be saying, "Back when I was in college..."

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