Saturday, June 8, 2013

Theres no order to this... Much like my mind.

When I woke up this morning, I felt like I had a million things to write. Now that I actually have time... I'm blank. Roller coasters have never really been my thing, yet I seem to be in this constant state of up and down. One minute I'm soaring, high as can be, then suddenly, the drop comes. I hate those. They're so fast and discomforting. And it always takes too long to get back up. I keep waiting for the up that's not followed eventually by a drop. Maybe in life, that doesn't exist. Maybe we just get used to the drops, or just learn to deal with them. Learn to accept them as part of the ride. I guess without the drops, the rest wouldn't be as good...

As a part of my journey to self discovery/self betterment/self understanding, I decided to start meditating. At first, it was really hard. I couldn't seem to get my mind to stop going. I mean really. Have you ever tried to think of nothing before? It's not as easy as it sounds. But as I continued to do it, I began to realize that it's not really thinking about nothing. It's more about bringing yourself to a still, quiet place / state. With practice and patience, I've been able to get myself there a couple times now. And it's incredible. Its such an amazing way to really bring a sense of calm and peace to your mind. It puts you at ease. It's like going to a happy place. I intend to continue with it and I hope to get better. The more I can get myself to that state, I think the more clarity and peace of mind I will feel.

I've done a few impulsive things lately, including (but not limited to) the purchase of a GoPro Camera. It's. Awesome. I did this for 2 reasons. 1.) I plan on doing a lot of exciting adventurous things in the near future. And 2.) I want to get back into my hobby of video editing :) This is a good start I think. I already have two plans in motion for my little camera. I'm not sure what order these will be happening, but my go pro will be enduring a sky diving experience (without me of course!) and then a snorkeling adventure! :) (hopefully soon to follow will be a scuba diving adventure too!)  More to come. Obvi!

I think something that is really important in life after college is finding your own. Don't get stuck in the same monotony that so many people seem to get into. Change it up. Do it differently. You'll be better for it. And my intention is to figure out just how to do it <3

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