My mom has been helping me out a lot lately. She's pretty great. I'm so grateful for her.
The latest challenge she has taken on with me has been car shopping. OhMyGod I. Hate. It.
It's so exhausting and such a hard decision. This car? Or that car? Which one is better? And the sales people are so pushy. Like seriously. Leave me alone for 5 minutes. You're not making me want to buy the car more by doing that. You're making me want to punch you in the face! And then there's the whole money factor.
1. You have to go into debt to buy a car (unless you're loaded). Boo.
2. If it's your first time buying a car (which for me it is) you have to factor in that new, big fat payment. That means either get something shitty you don't want so you can still afford to have a life, or, get what you want and eat ramen noodles every night until your debt is paid off... Regardless, it means cutting back. Boo.
3. Financing. Boo, boo, boo. If you're like me and you don't really have too much credit established, you're basically shit-out-of-luck. Boo.
So, to sum up. Buying a new car sucks.
I'm going for what I want, so I plan to be broke for quite some time... That is, if I can ever manage to get one.
I'll be glad when this whole experience is over.
Advise - Don't get in car accidents that total your car which worked perfectly fine and was free. Oops.
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