Saturday, June 1, 2013

Comfort Zone?... Where Did You Go?

It's so crazy to go through old photos, social media, journals, blogs -- whatever -- and just see how much your life has changed over the years...Everyone goes through change. We've been doing it our whole lives. And yet, for some reason, when the time for change comes again, often times it still terrifies us. It terrifies me. But I think the important thing is that once we accept that change is going to happen, we finally are able to feel the excitement that comes with it.

I think I'm just about ready to let go of my fear and embrace the changes that, at this point, have nearly enveloped me. It's weird. I brought most of my recent changes upon myself. I invited them. But for some reason, despite the fact that I initiated the change, I have been fighting it, letting it drag me behind, kicking and screaming. How is that possible?

I think the hardest change for me was the one that I knew was coming, but that I was not wanting. I knew deep down, that in order for my transformation to be complete, I would have to allow that last change to take place. But I didn't want it, and I refused to accept it, so I began to fight all the other changes too. I wanted to leave them behind and go running back into my comfort zone. I looked for a reason. I looked for excuses. But I didn't find any. I couldn't make it back to my comfort zone. I had already left, so it was too late. And, then the last change came. I wasn't ready. But I had no choice. It was by far, the scariest, the hardest, and the worst. But, I know now, that it needed to happen. I needed it. And he needed it too.

Life has to change in order to go on. We have to change in order to grow. And acceptance is half the battle. Once you accept it, you can appreciate it. You can become excited about the new things that are coming and that will continue to come. You can embrace the change.

I'm almost there. I can almost taste it. Excitement rests on the corners of my lips, ready to turn them up as soon as I let it. I can almost feel it.

A new era has begun. And this one is all about me.

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