Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Follow Your Dreams :)

Do you ever pay close attention to your dreams? Some of the greatest minds in psychology say that dreams are very telling of whats going on inside of us. I believe that our dreams speak for our souls. We can find out what our souls are trying to tell us if we pay close attention to our dreams and the symbols that present themselves within them...

Three symbols stuck out to me in my dreams last night...

One - I was riding a bike. If you look up the word bicycle as a symbol in dreams, you will find that it means that you are trying to create a balance in your life. Balance between work and pleasure in order to succeed in your current undertakings. -- This couldn't be more true for me right now. Previously I was way too focused on work work work that I allowed everything else to fall by the wayside. My biggest goal right now has been to devote time to work, play, and self betterment. My soul wants to find a good balance with all of that and more.

Two - I was packing my things, which were all strewn across the floor, into a bag. In dreams, packing is symbolic of big changes ahead for you. (as if I haven't been through enough already, sheesh!). I think that my soul is telling me that maybe I will experience some internal changes through the balances I acquire in life. The dream also indicates that one is putting past issues to rest; putting the past behind them. Moving on. -- This is the best news I could get! My soul is ready for whatever comes next.

Three - I had to stop by the store, although I didn't end up buying anything. If a grocery or convenient store presents itself in your dream, it could mean a few different things. the explanation that sticks out the most to me is that "you may be brainstorming for new ideas or looking for the various choices out there for you." -- I think this goes right along with the theme of balance and change. Maybe I didn't buy anything because I'm not quite ready to know what I want just yet.

My dream was a lot more extensive than that, but those were the symbols that really stuck out to me. I think that paying attention to the symbols in your dreams is a great way to learn about yourself. It's how you listen to what your soul is trying to tell you, and if you listen, then you can figure things out with a lot more clarity.

If you are interested in researching the meanings of your dreams. pay close attention to them and then look up the meanings of the different symbols you notice. I use:
It's a pretty good site and for the most part I am able to find the symbols I am looking for.

Try it out. See what you can learn. :)

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