Saturday, January 12, 2013

2 Weeks in and I'm finally saying Happy New Year!

I'm 13 days into the new year, and so far, I'm off to a pretty awesome start.

I had New Years Eve and Day off so I got to celebrate and ring in the New Year and then relax and enjoy having survived another year on the 1st.

The world didn't end, so I'd say that's pretty good.

Early on in the month I received news of my promotion at work, which is fabulous. Especially because I spent the last quarter of 2012 waiting to find out how I'd fared. That and because it is a huge step in a great direction for me career wise. Not necessarily along the lines of what I'd originally had planned but definitely something that I want and am fairly certain I would like :) It's my first REAL big girl job with a big girl salary and all. So, needless to say, this is probably one of the best things the new year has brought me thus far.

Yesterday, I officially finished the first draft of my novel. :) Quite an accomplishment I'd say. It's been underway for 2 years now and an entire draft is 100 percent complete. I'm very proud of myself for that one. Now I just have to edit and add and edit and revamp and fix and correct and rethink and edit and everything that comes with making a first draft into a first completed novel that is ready for publishing. Plus I have to start putting together my outline for the second book. Sigh. A writer's work is never done. But, I'm still very excited to see all my hard work pay off with a completed story. My first completed novel length work :)

I think, considering that the new year isn't even two weeks in, I'm doing pretty well :) And I plan to continue on this trend. I haven't really made any resolutions, but I do intend to continue working out and eating healthy. I plan on pushing myself even harder this year. I also plan to do everything I can to be the very best I can be in my new position. I impressed them enough to land the job, now I just have to prove myself, and I fully intend on doing so. I also want to strive to be a better person, do more for others, and just push myself to be the best version of me that I can be.

2013 has a lot in store for me, and I plan to make the most and the best of it. Here's to a year of successes. Here's to a year of hard work to get there! :)

Happy New Year everyone. May your year be prosperous and kind.

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