Thursday, October 13, 2011

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Should Take a Little Break. It's Good For Them.

Stress is going to kill me one day...

I don't know why but I always let myself get so stressed out over little things that really aren't worth it. And sometimes I get so stressed that it's painful... Literally! The sucky thing about all this stress is that I barely have the time to do the things that help me calm down and allow me to release some of the tension.

When life gets to the point where it's really stressful, which at this point in my life, it is (what with graduating, working two jobs and trying to save money), it's important to have time to do something that relaxes you. And, it's also important to have some kind of hobby that makes you feel good and that helps you forget about the stress and just wind down.
For me, this thing is art. I'm not the best artist, but for some reason, sitting down and just coloring, or drawing, or even messing around with photos or film really helps me to unwind and relax and forget about all my worries.
 I think I may have forgotten what that feels like because it has been so long since I've actually sat down to do this. And now, all my stress just builds up because all I do is think about it. I's really unhealthy, and it takes away from who I am as a person, and I don't like that. I'm sure other people don't like it either so, I know I need to do something about it.

I think it would be a good idea for anyone who is stressing out to just take a step back from everything and go do what makes you calm.
I'm going to go grab a pencil and some paper, and get to it.

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