Friday, September 9, 2011

If I Had More Money, Honey

So yesterday was my first actual payday since I started working... Well at least the first one that didn't have to go directly towards paying for rent. I already spent half...

But I did put some in my savings and I do still have a little spending money left. It had just been so long since I had money, that I had to go on a spending spree! It all happened so fast, and then, the next thing I new, nearly half my money had been spent. I should try to be more careful.

I must say though. It feels great to have a full tank of gas and a house full of food for the first time in, I don't even know how long. Hurray! :)

Is it sad that I just got paid yesterday/today, and I already cant wait till next pay day? It's like I'm constantly looking forward to/ stressing about the next time I get paid. Money's just so easy to spend very quickly. I used to think that if I had a lot of money, that I wouldn't know how to spend it and that it'd probably last me a long time. Now I know that any amount of money that came my way would be spent instantly. There are just so many things to buy. Things I want, Things I need, Things other people want and need that I want to provide for them, homless people, charities, random food outings, binge drinking, and just so much more.

my plan for now is to put a little money into improving my apartment. I think I'll start with the garden :)

super stoked. Yay for home improvement!

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