Hi there. Been a while, hasn't it?
I've found myself very busy with my new role at work. Training was a long 6 weeks and then I got thrown into things in my new location. It's been crazy, and hectic, and challenging, but also amazing. I really enjoy my new job. Every now and then I have those days where I'm ready to throw in the towel, but I push through and in the end, I'm always glad I didn't.
I learn so much every day. I just know that everything I'm doing, everything I'm learning is going to help shape me into a better professional, and harder worker, and a more successful person. And on top of that, my boss and my preceptor really have a lot of faith in me and they think that I'm going to be so great for the company! Having their support is amazing, and sometimes, it's the push I need to do my best.
While all at work has been great, I've found a familiar trend; I've lost the time to do other things like work on my book, update my blog, or have a social life whenever I'm not up in Tampa visiting my boyfriend. I have however managed to stay on track with working out and staying healthy, but aside from that, bot much. So, now that I'm finally getting settled in to my new role, my new career, my new life, I'm trying to make time for other things again. (Hence the first blog post I've made in nearly 4 months).
It's important to make time for yourself, even when you have an extremely demanding job. It's important to make time for yourself and the things you like, the things you want to accomplish outside of work, the people you love, and your other obligations. So I've allowed my transition to be an excuse long enough. Time to get focused again. After all, life after college isn't all just about landing your first job and advancing your career. There's a whole lot more to it than that!
Now it's time to face the struggle of maintaining my career, juggling my social life, making me time and time for hobbies, and managing my outside of work obligations. Bring it!